Your Cosmic Legacy, in its simplest form, is your ability to combine your Creative Power, Receptive Choice and Faith together, in the amount of Time you're given in life, to plant your apple seed and see it grow into the tree it was meant to be, and to bear great fruit. But of equal importance, is the fact that in order for your legacy to live on beyond your death, someone else has to carry your story forward. Your Comic Legacy is more about the relationships and the people you touched in life, than it is about the accomplishments or achievements you made. It's less about the "me" of life, and more about the "we" of life.
To truly understand Life's Cosmic Equation (WE), we must first revisit the primary equation that precedes it, or Life's Quantum Equation (ME). In the Quantum Equation you add energy, focus and commitment together and then multiply the three by action. The quantum result is equal to your life's destiny. With the Cosmic Equation, we are combining the energy, focus, commitment and action of two or more people into a unified effort that results in a cosmic legacy. We need our connection to others to help us grow, and we grow most through the experience of helping others grow.
The key to fully manifesting the Cosmic Legacy concept of “we”, is to remember that life is not all about you. The greatest impact of your legacy will come from the interactions with the people that you touched and influenced during your life. It does not matter if you are the President of the United States, or a homeless person living under a bridge, the people you touch during your journey in life, your legacy, has equal value and merit. Your story is a part of a constantly evolving story of the universe. In the space time continuum of the universe, there is no such thing as good and bad, virtue and wickedness, right and wrong or purposeful and aimless. The universe has a creative destiny that will include your contribution, regardless of the cosmic legacy you choose to leave behind. Each of us has an apple seed to plant or our Thomas Edison blueprint to fulfill. What will be your light bulb? How will your energy shine? What electric connections will you bring to the world around you? And through the connections you make with people throughout your life, how will your light shine even brighter? And finally, upon your death, will your cosmic legacy give rise to even greater connections and energy, leaving a brighter future for the universe?
You and everyone else in this world exists in unity with someone else. There is a connection of energy between all things that is a reality, a constant, an omnipresent link between past, present and future. We are all connected, not just as fellow human beings, but to the 13.7 billion years of cosmic interaction. Since the beginning of time, what has been created is an infinite, boundless web of connections that tie all things in the universe together. We cannot escape the fact that we are all connected in a cosmic and heavenly way. The question here is not one of creation but one of identification. No one has to create connections to one another, all you have to do is identify the reality that the connections already exist. Together this energy fuses into creative power that inspires new discoveries and gives meaning to life.