"In this story Duane Kuss, DigElog Network Creator, investigates a problem that could affect anybody that pays with a credit card at the gas pump. DigElog ROCORI was on location at the Holiday Station in Cold Spring to discuss an issue that was brought to our attention by the St. Cloud Police Department.
Here's the document that was circulated on the internet by St. Cloud, MN Police.
Subject: Paying @ the pump
This email is from the St. Cloud Police Department. Please read if
you use your credit/debit card when purchasing gas at the pump!!!!
With the price of gas and people getting desperate, this is likely
to occur more often. A party used her credit/debit card to purchase
gas at the pump. She received her receipt. However, when she checked her
statement,there were two $50 charges added in addition to her purchase.
Upon investigation, she found out that because she did not press the
'clear' button on the pump, the employee inside the store was able to use
her card to purchase his/her own gas! To keep this from happening, after
you get your receipt, you must press the 'CLEAR' button or your
information will be stored until the next customer inserts their
Have a good day.
Joe Cordie
St. Cloud Police Dept.
Crime Prevention Unit/Crime Free Programs Coordinator
Phone # 320-650-3681
Fax #320-650-3781
In this investigative report you will hear from Holiday Station owner, Marlyne Molitor as she discusses how older gas pumps could leave you and your bank account vulnerable. Watch this story and learn how you can protect yourself."
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