Saturday, May 19th, 2012 9:45 AM Cold Spring Baseball Field Cold Spring, Minnesota USA
The awards ceremony will take place after the 1K Kids Fun Run at approximately 11:30 am. There will be activities for the kids and refreshments for everyone.
9:45 am - Opening Ceremonies The opening cermony will consist of
welcoming all runners, spectators and volunteers
brief description of the activities and times
Move 5K participants to the starting line
National Anthem
10:00 am - 5K Race Start
11:00 am - 1K Race Start
11:30 am - Awards Ceremony
Move participants, spectators and volunteers to the stands
Give awards for the 5K and 1K events
11:45 am - Closing Ceremony
A special closing ceremony is planned involving all veterans, active duty military, Reservists and National Guard members.
Please join us!!
Old Glory Run coverage from May 16, 2009
As part of DigElog ROCORI’s extended coverage of the 2nd annual Old Glory Run, we had a chance to catch up with John Swanson, one of the inspirations for the Old Glory Run. Swanson, a 10-year military veteran lost his leg in combat. Humble by nature, he often tries to avoid the spotlight but at the same time understands the importance of sharing his story. Like so many other veterans, he appreciates the efforts of people like Curt and Pam Karls that go the extra mile to help reintegrate returning soldiers back into society.
In this story, Swanson discusses how life has changed for him since the last time we saw him. He also shares how the Disabled American Veterans (D.A.V.) has helped with his medical issues over the past year. For those that are not familiar with the Old Glory Run, all proceeds from the event are donated to the Minnesota Chapter of the D.A.V. This is a must see story, and as the 4th of July approaches it is a great reminder of the sacrifices that others make for our freedom.
The RACF Steering Committee is scheduled to hold its first meeting at 8:30 AM on December 21st at the Assumption Court Part Room. Currently there are twenty-two (22) volunteers on the Steering Committee and they will be receiving a personal email invitation and agenda next Tuesday. If you would like to be a officially designated volunteer, please use the form below to indicate your interest. Since this is an open community meeting and space is limited, Steering Committee members will be given priority seating.
The charter RACF Board of Directors will come from members of the Steering Committee and there are still ROCORI area organizations and cities not represented on the Steering Committee. If you have not completed a Steering Committee Volunteer Application there is still time to do so. Please complete and return to me before next Tuesday, either by email or fax the completed form to my attention at 320-685-7044. If you are not sure, do not hesitate to give me a call.
An Inspiration Award Banquet took place at the Great Blue Heron Restaurant in Cold Spring this evening, where Cpl. Sean Osterman was honored with the Annual Inspiration award. Osterman died in December from combat injuries serving as a Marine in Afghanistan.
Each year, as a part of the opening ceremonies of the Old Glory Run, the award is given to someone who inspires the community to give back to veterans. Sean’s mother, Kelly Hugo, accepted the award this evening following a video tribute to him.
Tomorrow, over 1400 runners are registered to participate in 4th annual Old Glory Run, the proceeds of which benefit the local chapter of Disabled American Veterans. This great turn out should afford another sizable donation to the DAV this year, which will be added to the $50,000 that was donated during the first 3 years of this great fund raising event.
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