Today DigElogROCORI launched its new community-wide calendar. The goal is to provide the most up to date, comprehensive calendar for everyone who lives in the Land of ROCORI (Rockville, Cold Spring, Richmond).
Now, as you scroll down the left hand column of the DigElog ROCORI page you'll see two new areas.
<<< ROCORI Community Calendar
Here you'll see displayed the 10 most current events listed on the calendar.
These 10 events are updated daily. If you click on one of the event titles (ie: Maennerchor Variety/German Night), it will take you to the calendar website for a further description of what's going on.
DigElogROCORI has partnered with Yahoo's "UPCOMING.ORG" to provide a community calendar solution that will work for you personally, as well as for groups and organizations within our community. The goal is to have a one stop, one location reference to everything that is happening in the community, and if you choose... in your family and personal life. You choose what level works best for you.
<<< Click on the "Rocori CALENDAR" link an you'll see the entire current list of events that are scheduled for the community.
DigElogROCORI makes use of the global event calendar technology. All the events are added to the ROCORI Community Calendar.
Some things you can do with the ROCORI Community Calendar at
- Use the site to keep track of your own events
- Share events with friends and family
- Find out what events your friends are going to
- Find interesting events in the Land of ROCORI area
If you are a member of a church, organization or community group that would like to have your meetings and events become a part of the DigElogROCORI Community Calendar just email your request to [email protected] Your event will go online within 24 hours of your request.
For those who have numerous entries throughout the year, DigElogROCORI will also provide training on how your organization can do your own calendar entries with the shared Community Calendar system. For more information about this contact Duane at [email protected]
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