Article originally posted on Cold Spring 20/20 Team Blog
7/14/05 4:04 PM
(PHOTO) Old Hyway 23 Iron Bridge crossing Sauk River in Cold Spring. 2004
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Cold Spring 20/20 Vision Team
Steering Committee Agenda
July 12, 2005
Present: Duane Kuss, Michelle Prow, Nadine Schnettler, Larry Lahr, Brigetta Klemek, Kay Cook
1. The 20/20 Annual Report has been submitted.
2. The Grant Committee's request for an HCP grant was successful to the tune of $10,000. Carrie suggested we look at our 7 projects to see which task force is ready to go and get some on the ground as "Success breeds success". Some quick matching funds might be available with a Dining Out Book.
3. Kay has not yet contacted all the known non-profits in the area. Original list was outdated. She is to contact and obtain meeting times and forward via email to Steering Committee. Information on the 7 projects with partial IF funding should be made available to each group as well as solicit their ideas for the future. The goal of the non-profit should be integrated into their presentation and how we can work together. Face to face interaction has a better chance of success.
Focus on the fact that the information we are using came from the community in the meetings in 2004. This includes letting the community feel the success.
4. MDT review - concern for small turn out. Suggested focus on community.
5. Infrastructure discussed with outcome that Ken will act as Treasurer. Our agenda should reflect approval of minutes and treasurer report with approval of expenditures. Forms to be reviewed at next meeting.
6. Discussion around getting representatives from non-profits to sit on Steering Committee. A decision must be made as to what we want from non-profits - just money or do we help with their goals as well. Kay will ask about their feeling of involvement when she makes calls.
7. Hometown Pride Days - Kay and Rita talked with Lynn and Dave and are able to get a booth to sell fried bread. Might be some way to work with or for Lynn Schurman in her booth also. We will need volunteers. Kay/Duane will send out email with request for help. Nadine said Peace has about 65 volunteers to run their pie stand each year. We will be meeting weekly until Hometown Pride to bring additional ideas to the group. Discussion on whether we should buy radio time; use public service announcements; use our local cable channel. Nadine motioned we use this as a fundraiser for our administration project, Michelle seconded, motion carried.
8. Raising matching funds through non-profits and what could be expected from the City. Carrie suggested we do our best to find another source of funds for all projects. If we are unsuccessful and project is appropriate we could as City as last resort. We need to get more visibility in Record and Times. Duane will put an article regarding grant and projects in the Record and send to Times.
9. HCP workshops were reviewed. Kay was planning to attend the one on the 38th and 29th of July but since that is Hometown Pride weekend she will be re-thinking.
10. Request for help to develop a strategy to get more people involved.
11. Land Use and Design Standards met with Council. Larry reported that it was a good meeting. There will be a couple more with the consultant.
From the Steering Committee:
Is there a way we can help the Township and City realize their potential for the future? Avon had success with the mayor going to all the township meetings. Is that realistic for us? The community at Design Team meetings placed priority on this and only one meeting evolved. Should we consider asking the Township and City to meet with IF facilitator? To go forward we strongly feel we need to get them together. Can we get enough volunteers to run a Hometown Pride booth?
Social Committee:
Michelle Prow introduced herself as a member of the Social Committee and member of Faith in Action and a helper with VISTA volunteers. The Social Committee has successfully joined with the Rural Faith in Action group. They are approaching volunteers and are assessing their needs. They are looking for two people from each church to act as liaisons. They are submitting a grant request to CenterCare for start up costs. They are planning a big roll out in October. An example of their sign up form was passed for each attendee to copy and take to their churches/non-profits. Carrie said there are usually good financial opportunities for these causes.
Carrie suggested we lay out our projects, determine potential sources of funding, determine timing, publicize and be ready to show the projects completed and time spent. "It's a good story to tell."
Nadine moved adjournment, Brigetta seconded, motion carried.
NEXT MEETING July 19, 8AM with Hometown Pride the focal point. After this meeting the Grant Committee will meet with Carrie.
Respectfully submitted.
Kay Cook
The brochure racks are in the chamber office area. All brochures can be left at the building or call for pick up. Currently 597-2794 would be that number.