May 20, 2011
Cold Spring, Minnesota USA
An Inspiration Award Banquet took place at the Great Blue Heron Restaurant in Cold Spring this evening, where Cpl. Sean Osterman was honored with the Annual Inspiration award. Osterman died in December from combat injuries serving as a Marine in Afghanistan.
Each year, as a part of the opening ceremonies of the Old Glory Run, the award is given to someone who inspires the community to give back to veterans. Sean’s mother, Kelly Hugo, accepted the award this evening following a video tribute to him.
Tomorrow, over 1400 runners are registered to participate in 4th annual Old Glory Run, the proceeds of which benefit the local chapter of Disabled American Veterans. This great turn out should afford another sizable donation to the DAV this year, which will be added to the $50,000 that was donated during the first 3 years of this great fund raising event.
Other Stories About Osterman: