Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Cold Spring Chamber Of Commerce Hometown Pride Awards Banquet
Cold Spring, Minnesota USA
The third recipients of the 2010 Cold Spring Chamber Hometown Pride Awards were Pam and Curt Karls in recognition of their work in creating and sustaining the Old Glory Run fund raiser for Disabled American Veterans.
Pam grew up in Cold Spring and Curt grew up in Rickville. After living in Minneapolis for several years, in 2001 they moved back to Cold Spring with their daughters Madeline and Lauren. Both Pam and Curt are real estate agents with Edina Realty. Pam coordinated the Red River Run from 2005-2008, has been a Girl Scout leader and coaches volleyball on their daughters teams at St. Boniface. Both Pam and Curt are members of the Cold Spring Jaycees.
The Old Glory Run began in 2008 when Pam & Curt were inspired to have an event that would honor all who have served in the millitary. The Run has grown every year - the 2010 event had 987 participants, with domation going to the Disabled American Veterans. Over the past 3 years, the total donations of $50,000 have been used by the DAV to purchase a handicap equipped van, fund a ROTC gathering room at SCSU and other projects that assist disabled veterans. For more information about this great event visit: Old Glory Run
2010 Award Recipients: Janet Aaseth, Judy Samuelson, Pam and Curt Karls
See Other 2010 Award Winner's Stories
2009 Hometown Pride Award Recipients
2008 Hometown Pride Award Recipients