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September 29, 2008


Duane Kuss


Thank you for your insightful comments. We'll certainly take them into account as we go forward with future stories.



So there are two football games and inbetween there there were two volleyball games....understand it is hard to get it all on but lets try and keep it somewhat equal!
The vb team is good and it is fun to direct people to watch it on here but when it doesn't get on for so much time afterwards....relatives forget to look. They check a few days after and then when it isn't there they forget to look back and as in this instance, they saw that last weeks fb game was there...vb s/b soon. then now fb again and no vb from either of their games. Just letting you know-people are looking and it would be nice to keep boys and girls semi equal anyway! Thanks for all you do- like I said it is such a good thing to watch and tell others to check out that when things don't get put on we are saddened!
Keep up the good job tho... Enjoy your day.

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