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February 03, 2008


Don Manuel

June 25th Eden Valley will be celebrating Valley Daze 2011. Crimson Edge will be performing The Eden Valley Foxhunt in the parade.

Charles Woznak

I loved this song when I was a kid. It was always a family favorite. That and "Walking in my winter underwear".


I remember this from my younger days. I actually had the record. I wish I still had it today.

cliff mitchell

I love the story of the eden valley fox hunt.. I still play the record once in awhile... great job.....


i heard they actually ran over the foxes, and were not trying to catch them with their tales. i heard that from a teacher while attending EV-W

justme fromhere

I thought this was a great piece on local history. Thanks for putting it on here. I had heard the name of the song, but do not recall "listening" to it, and the story behind it is intriguing.


I am a fan of what your web site does but this story lost me from the beginning. I really don't think this is something that 90% of your target audience is coming to your site to view. I think its slow, boring, and uninteresting. It was way to long and visually it was very difficult to watch.

George Mueller

I remember the controversy well. If I’m not mistaken it occurred in the early 70s and it was the hot topic around town for some time. I also remember the “Hill Dillies” being quite popular at that time. I actually saw them perform “The Eden Valley Fox Hunt” at one of their shows around the area. My thanks to Mike and Ben Plantenberg and to DigElog for the nostalgic side trip down memory lane.

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