The Cold Spring Area Chamber of Commerce presented the Home Town Pride Awards to The Gluek Brewing Company, Kurt Hemmesch and Duane Krueger at their annual Christmas Party December 6. The Home Town Pride Awards are the Cold Spring business community acknowledgment of extraordinary citizenship and is an opportunity to thank those people who by their actions make Cold Spring a great place to live.
The Gluek Brewing Company was a major supporter of Cold Spring’s Sesquicentennial celebration, They not only hosted the majority of the organizational meetings and the events themselves but contributed to the planning, advertising, underwrote most of the expenses, booked National recording artist Tracy Byrd, provided set up, clean up and bar tending crews. No one can deny that it was their “can do“ attitude inspired everyone involved to step up and made the events a community success.
Gluek Brewing Company Representatives
For Duane Krueger, Home Town Pride is a way of life not just a yearly event. In many people’s opinion, the Rocori Dollars for Scholars wouldn’t be if wasn’t for the hours Duane has donated. Like wise local baseball players note that Cold Spring Baseball owes its thanks to Duane. But it is Cold Spring Elementary’s Principal, Jerry Sparby, who said it best, Duane is a person who knows “What it takes to have a strong community built on concern for others and then being willing to do whatever needs to be done.”
Duane Krueger, 2006 Hometown Pride Award Recipient
There are very few people in Cold Spring who Kurt Hemmesch hasn’t touched with his generosity of man hours and community spirit. If someone in your family has been involved in youth football, little league baseball, broomball, or Rocori sports; Kurt has been there. Have you attended an event sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Cold Spring Lions, St Boniface, or the Cold Spring Park Board Kurt was probably involved. There are very few people who exemplify “Home Town Pride” as much as Kurt.
Kurt Hemmesch accepting his Hometown Pride Award
This years recipients have selected the Cold Spring Baseball Park to receive their donation of $500.00 from the Cold Spring Area Chamber. The funds are earmarked to help fund the updating of the stadiums sound system.
Dave Hinkemeyer accepts $500 donation from Rita Hennen and the Cold Spring Area Chamber
Duane Krueger, Kurt Hemmesch, Maurice Bryan (Gluek)
2006 Hometown Pride Recipients
FEATURE VIDEOS on each of the recipients will be published here on DigElogROCORI during the coming week.