Meet Affordable Computing Solutions (ACS) (11/21/05)
This weeks feature business and sponsor of DigElogROCORI stories is Affordable Computing Solutions (ACS) of Cold Spring. Meet Ty Farley, owner of ACS, and hear him talk about the new broadband wireless internet service in the area called Clearwire.
Clearwire provides a wireless, cellular based internet available in most of the Land of ROCORI. From the Chain of Lakes, to the far corners of Rockville, Clearwire can be a broadband, high speed internet connection for many residents and businesses.
With Clearwire, DigElogROCORI video and audio stories can be downloaded onto your computer much more quickly. In many cases, the speeds experienced by Clearwire customers are similar to those of local broadband cable modem users.
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The Day All Hell Broke Loose! (11/22/05)
The fall of 1940 was a warm one. In some ways similar to the fall of 2005. With gardens still yielding vegetables well into October, winter seemed far away.
By midday November 11th, some areas of
Minnesota topped 60 degrees, but a huge storm was just to the west.
Here in the Land of Rocori, the day was one where kids going to school
wore little if any jackets.
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Giving Tree Program (11/23/05)
Ss. Peter and Paul in Richmond is accepting donations for the Giving Tree program. This program helps families buy food and gifts for the holidays. We have a lot of need in our community this year, and any donation is welcome!
Alfred H. Hommerding (Obituary) (11/23/05)
Age 75
St. Nicholas
October 10, 1930 - November 23, 2005
Mass of Christian Burial will be 11:00 a.m. Saturday, November 26, 2005 at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in St. Nicholas, MN for Alfred H. Hommerding, age 75, who died Wednesday at the Saint Cloud Hospital. Burial will be in parish cemetery.
Friends may call after 4:00 p.m. Friday and from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Saturday morning at the Wenner Funeral Home in Cold Spring. The St. Cloud Eagles Aerie #622 will pray at 6:30 p.m. and Parish Prayers at 8:00 p.m. Friday evening.
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CORNER COPY... Cold Spring Record (11/24/05)
Sometimes we hear conversations where the topic is how our world has changed . . . never would any from our generation have ever thought to take a gun to school, much less use it there. Never did we dare talk back to dad or mom . . . either way we dealt with dad. We would have never entered another person’s home (whether under construction or not) and take things that didn’t belong to us.
Today’s world seems much different. Why? Probably because when we were young and growing up there were morals and values distilled in us by our parents, grandparents, or anyone else who would qualify as being older than us.
We remember sitting together with our family and eating breakfast – every day – whether we had school, or not; whether we were off to church, or not; or if we had plans with friends, or not – we always sat at the table with our family for breakfast. When we were home for summer vacation we ALWAYS sat down at the dinner table for a meal with our family. Nearly everyday, the rest of the year, we sat down at a specific time to eat a meal with our family in the evening; some called this meal dinner, our family called it supper.
What Are You Thankful For? (11/24/05)
Were you one of the 22 ROCORI citizens who was asked,
"What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday?"
If you weren't, probably one of your friends, relatives or neighbors was interviewed. You'll be surprised the many different things people are thankful for in the Land of ROCORI 2005.
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"Once Upon A Mattress" (11/25/05)
On November 17, 18 & 19th of 2005, the ROCORI High School presented the play "Once Upon A Mattress" in Glanville Smith Auditorium. In this story, director Tom Siekkinen, choral director Dee Holsinger and music director Tony Hutar talk about the fantastic job all of the ROCORI young people did in this comic musical.
John Feldewerd (Obituary) (11/25/05)
Age 63
St. Martin
June 7, 1942 – November 25, 2005
Mass of Christian Burial will be 11:00 a.m. Monday, November 28, 2005 at St. Martin Catholic Church in St. Martin, MN for John Feldewerd, age 63, who died Friday at the Paynesville Area Hospital. Burial will be in parish cemetery.
Friends may call after 4:00 p.m. Sunday and from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Monday morning at the St. Martin Parish Center in St. Martin. The St. Martin Fire Department and St. Joseph’s Society will pray at 7:30 p.m. followed by Parish prayers Sunday evening. Arrangements with the Wenner Funeral Home in Richmond.
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Marguerite A. Kalla (Obituary) (11/27/05)
Cold Spring
January 2, 1915 - Nov. 27, 2005
The mass of Christian Burial celebrating the life of Marguerite A.
Kalla, age 90 of Cold Spring, and formerly of Albany, will be 11:00 AM
Friday, December 2, 2005 at Seven Dolors Catholic Church in Albany.
Marguerite died Sunday at Assumption Nursing Home, Cold Spring. Burial
will be in the parish cemetery.
There will be a visitation Thursday
evening from 4-9:00 PM at the funeral home in Albany. The Albany
American Legion Auxiliary will pray at 6:30 PM; Christian Mothers will
pray with St. Mathilda Mission Group at 7:00 PM followed by Seven
Dolors Parish Prayers at 8:30 PM Thursday evening at the funeral home.
Arrangements are being made by the Miller-Carlin-Brenny Funeral Home,
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