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Have you ever thought about the actual location on the globe that the shirt you are wearing was manufactured at? Here's a great ROCORI High School Media Class project that does just that.
You'll get a chuckle as school teachers, students and janitors all get into the act trying to tie their shirt to some place on the globe.
This story is sponsored by the Great Blue Heron restaurant in Cold Spring. From personal dining to weddings and banquets. The Great Blue Heron specializes in "great food", "superb service", and a relaxing environment. "Better Than Good... The GREAT BLUE HERON"
My shirt was made in Bangladesh.
You should have comment number 8 win a shirt... Like being the 6th caller to call in for prize to a radio station. Ad more interest and interaction to the story. Measurable results...
Mr. T.
Posted by: Jimbob | May 10, 2006 at 08:06 PM