Because Your Life Is Worth It!
Discovering the secret to a happy life.
Life's Cosmic Equation:
(Creative Power (CP) + Receptive Choice (RC) + Faith (F)) * Time (T) = Cosmic Legacy (CL)
The Story:
When I go deer hunting in the late Fall one of my favorite moments in what is now a 52 year tradition, is to take a moment in the middle of the night to walk out into a clearing and to gaze up into the starlit sky. Our hunting property is in east central Minnesota, far away from the big city lights and there are clearings where you feel like you are inside a gigantic planetarium. Sometimes I'll lay down on the ground and gaze into the midnight sky and I'll have a warm feeling of connection deep in my belly. I know that it was out of the life cycle of stars being born and stars dying that all the elements of the chemistry periodic table where created.
All the chemicals and compounds that make up you and me were created in the belly of a star that at some time during the past 13.7 billion years exploded and released these elements into space that they could be used by other star systems and continually advance to heavier and heavier elements. The stars also represent the source of energy that created life itself. And I believe that source of energy exists within each of us that gives us unique meaning and purpose in the universe.
But it's all tied and connected to this phenomenon we call time. More appropriately called space time. For when I look up in the sky its as bright and as full of stars as it will every be, because those stars are actually moving away from us and speeds that exceed the speed of light itself. This means that my great, great grandchildren, if they still have the opportunity to deer hunt on our family hunting property, will not see the same sky I did. They will be viewing the sky at a different moment in space time and all of the stars in the sky that I saw will have moved to a new relative position that may or may not be in view of my future lineage.
The challenging piece of this that is most important in understanding Life's Cosmic Equation is that time itself has purpose. And during the time you have in the cosmos, you too have a purpose to fulfill in the universe. The stars that you see are actually doing work and are doing what they were meant to do for the universe. They're creating new elements that will be used by other solar systems to create new planets. They have a unique reason for being at this very moment in time... right now! And you have a similar reason for being right now that you need to act upon. Your personal mandate is to take immediate action based on your CP, RC and F, to fulfill your purpose and destiny in the universe. So do you understand the significance of time, this very moment, in your life today?
Here is an Exclusive story that is about the first part of Life's Cosmic Equation - Creative Power:
Here's 20 videos that feature major topics in the forthcoming book: