How to be happy, happy to be me and we!
Excerpt from the book: Dance With The Elephant: Life's Cosmic Equation
Creative Power is the AWESOME energy source within you. When it is completely understood, utilized and acted upon, it will provide innite capacity to fully realize your dreams and reach your destiny!
So what is the source of this Creative Power and from where did it come?
To nd the answer to this question, all you have to do is look into the sky on a clear night. Did you know that on any given night, a star is being born at that very moment? Since the beginning of time, there has been a creative force in the universe that changes simple things into more complex. This force is demonstrated on the cosmic level when clouds of hydrogen and helium gas fuse together to form stars.
The birth, life and death of a star can provide great insights into better understanding the role of Creative Power in the universe. From the moment of birth, a star has a cosmic creative energy and purpose manifested within it. Every star and its solar system is exclusive and totally unique unto itself. It was born with a given size, a certain brightness, a given life span and most importantly, a relationship with the other objects that orbit it.
A star lives to shine bright providing energy and gravity to its solar system. During its life-time, important creative work is going on in the nuclear belly of the star. The simple elements of hydrogen and helium are being converted into more complex elements like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. It is during the nal moments that precede the death of a star that most of the simple to complex element conversion takes place. In the grand nale, a star leaves its own cosmic legacy when it explodes in a Supernova and hurls its heavier elements and precious metals back into the galaxy providing the seeds for new stars to be born and the opportunity for the entire cycle to begin again.
Learn more about "Life's Cosmic Equation" to happiness and greater fulfillment
You are unique, different and special. In fact, like each of the lone stars in the sky, there is no one exactly like you in the entire universe. You alone bring to this world the perfect combination of gifts, talents, knowledge, body and spirit. Your Creative Power is your personal treasure chest waiting to be opened, explored and discovered. It is your purpose and destiny to apply your Creative Power in this world to make an extraordinary contribution for yourself, your family, your community, your country, your world and your universe. It is the people you touch during the journey in life that makes the difference in what will be your legacy.
Discovering your Creative Power is your link and connection to everyone and everything around you. It's the spark that lights the re within you every day to meet life's challenges and opportunities. No one can truly tell you what your Creative Power is. It's something that only you can discover and nurture within yourself. It can be as simple as truly enjoying the smell of owers in a garden or as complex as the pursuit of some new theory of relativity in the universe. You personally have a role to play and a story to contribute that will make a difference. There is a self-manifestation, a purpose, a driving force that burns within you. You are meant to tap into your Creative Power and let it guide you to reaching your destiny. Call it what you like: life's purpose; its destiny; your personal passions; or life's precious gifts. All of these are describing the same universal source, your Creative Power.
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