Everybody wants and loves a hero. The creation of héros has been a part of human culture since we roamed the desserts of Africa thousands of years ago. Who we choose as our heroes is a part of how and what we define ourselves to be. They can inspire us to be better people and they can lead us down the path of evil and destruction.
"People say they're looking for the meaning of life... but I think what they're really looking for an experience of being alive. So that we actually feel the rapture of being alive."
Joseph Campbell
Don Calhoun and Duane Kuss combine to write the ground breaking book "How To Dance With The Elephant", filled with life-changing stories and exercises. View 20 videos that feature major book topics.
Joseph Campbell
Don Calhoun and Duane Kuss combine to write the ground breaking book "How To Dance With The Elephant", filled with life-changing stories and exercises. View 20 videos that feature major book topics.
The cosmic hero is a part of your Receptive Choice power in life. (Creative Power + Receptive Choice + Faith) * Time = Your Cosmic Legacy .
Don's greatest hero in life was his mother. Don loved his mother and she gave him what he believes are all the good traits he carries with him today. His mother was faced with a myriad of life challenges but through it all never complained or felt sorry for herself. She was dealt a horrible set of
life cards but never chose the path of hanging her head or verbally bitching about her situation. Some of these included loosing her parents and her brother when she was still a teenager. She contacted brain cancer and became legally blind while her own kids were still in elementary school. She died before her youngest child finished college.
life cards but never chose the path of hanging her head or verbally bitching about her situation. Some of these included loosing her parents and her brother when she was still a teenager. She contacted brain cancer and became legally blind while her own kids were still in elementary school. She died before her youngest child finished college.
Because of this, Don has very little tolerance for people who complain or yap their gums about other people or how bad things are in their life. Although Don admits his mother wasn't a saint, she still played the cosmic hero role in his life that has strongly controlled how he looks at life and the path he follows on a daily basis.
Joseph Campbell was a renowned scholar who studied the concept of cultural heroes throughout the world. Heros are a part of every human culture whether it's the Buddhist monks in the mountains of Tibet or the eskimos on the tundra in northern Canada. Many of us want to be recognized as heroes and all of us naturally identify with heroes.
The challenge and potential negative in life comes when your hero identification involves something called transference. When your hero, be it an individual, group or country, is given control over who you are and your destiny in life, it has the potential of being destructive to your true life legacy and purpose. Each of us has the capacity to step back and reflect on our receptive choices in life. Who are your heroes and who are we a hero to?
"If there is any science man really needs it is the one I teach, of how to occupy properly that place in creation that is assigned to man, ad how to learn from it what one must be in order to be a man."
Immanuel Kant
"If there is any science man really needs it is the one I teach, of how to occupy properly that place in creation that is assigned to man, ad how to learn from it what one must be in order to be a man."
Immanuel Kant