On a personal level, Creative Power is the AWESOME energy source within you. When it is completely understood, utilized and acted upon, it will provide infinite capacity to fully realize your dreams and reach your destiny!
So what is the source of this Creative Power and from where did it come?
To find the answer to this question, all you have to do is look into the sky on a clear night. Did you know that on any given night, a star is being born at that very moment? Since the beginning of time, there has been a creative force in the universe that changes simple things into more complex. This force is demonstrated on the cosmic level when clouds of hydrogen and helium gas fuse together to form stars.
The birth, life and death of a star can provide great insights into better understanding the role of Creative Power in the universe. From the moment of birth, a star has a cosmic creative energy and purpose manifested within it. Every star and its solar system is exclusive and totally unique unto itself. It was born with a given size, a certain brightness, a given life span and most importantly, a relationshipwiththeotherobjectsthatorbitit. These
These objects include: asteroids, comets, planets and sometimes even other stars. No two stellar systems are alike.
A star lives to shine bright providing energy and gravity to its solar system. During its life-time, important creative work is going on in the nuclear belly of the star. The simple elements of hydrogen and helium are being converted into more complex elements like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. It is during the nal moments that precede the death of a star that most of the simple to complex element conversion takes place. In the grand nale, a star leaves its own cosmic legacy when it explodes in a Supernova and hurls its heavier elements and precious metals back into the galaxy providing the seeds for new stars to be born and the opportunity for the entire cycle to begin again.
Do you know what your Creative Power is?
Unfortunately, most people have never thought of even asking the question. Look around you. How many people do you know that have allowed the social and cultural inuences of family, friends and society to control their beliefs and direction in life. They are blind to the inborn Creative Power of the universe and the joyful purpose it can bring to life. Most people have turned away from the Creative Power they felt sometime during their youth or maybe never really got acquainted with it to begin with.
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