In the world of lawyers, doctors and therapists, a commitment to confidentiality requires that information shared by a client with their professional representative is not to be shared with others. This is important in building an environment of trust between the patient and their counselor. In the journey of learning to dance with the elephant, a similar commitment to confidentiality is made between you and those you choose to share your experiences.
As you follow the elephant path and begin to dance along the way,
exploring your past:
- your dreams
- disappointments
- emotions
- feelings
is all a part of the learning process.
A part of dancing with the elephant involves taking a look into the rear view mirror of your past. You will revisit the highs and lows: dreams; accomplishments; failures; disappointments. It will be important to know up front that, whomever you invite to be a part of your circle of trust , they will be required to respect total confidentiality within your group. The goal of dancing with the elephant is to experience the positive release and freedom you'll feel when the secrets, hurt, blame, shame, isolation and guilt of the past can be openly talked about. You and you alone will choose the pace by which the secrets bound by the chains of the past will be discovered and explored.
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The four pillars of respect, trust, desire for growth and confidentiality provide a solid foundation to begin your journey. If you have the strength and courage to adhere to these tenets as you explore the contents of this book, you will be rewarded by learning how to dance with the elephant and move to all rhythms that life has to offer you.
Do you think you're one of the 10% who will have what it takes to "Dance With The Elephant"? A great next step is to view the 20 video series Duane and Don put together: